November Already! Countryside Artisans Studio Tour coming up!

It's hard to believe that we are 1/3 of the way through November!  But here we are - the Countryside Artisan Studio tour is coming up on December 4-6, right around the corner!  Be on the lookout for my handwovens at Tiewyan Studio. Bev has good protocols in place for Covid-19 control so that you can shop with confidence.

The items that are going to the show have been set to "out of stock", to keep from overlapping sales, but if you see something you are interested in, drop me a note.

I took some time off to finish a knitting project - turned out fabulous!  

Highlander sweater

But I will be back to the towel warp and expect to have some nice towels off the loom in a few days.  I am also adding handspun to the store after the first of the year.  I plan to put it on the Studio tour so you will be able to see it in person!  I have some luscious silk and silk blend handspun perfect for weaving, knitting or crochet projects.  
